

GI Blog

Empowering Early Detection: OMOM HD Capsule Endoscopy Saves Lives

18 August 2023


In a compelling real-life scenario, we share the inspiring journey of Liu Xin, a young woman who, accompanied by her parents, sought medical attention at Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital. Liu Xin's case not only highlights the remarkable capabilities of the OMOM HD capsule endoscopy but also underscores the importance of early detection in preserving lives.

A Race Against Time:

Just a day before her visit to the hospital, Liu Xin experienced intermittent episodes of dark red stool. Concerned about gastrointestinal bleeding, the medical team admitted her promptly. Despite undergoing gastroscopy that revealed no abnormal findings and subsequent colonoscopy that detected blood retention in the intestines, the root cause remained elusive. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on Liu Xin and her family.

A New Approach:

With empathy and expertise, Professor Zhao Qiu, Director of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital, reassured the distressed patient and her family. He swiftly orchestrated an "emergency capsule endoscopy." Professor Zhao Qiu elucidated the concept of "emergency capsule endoscopy," an innovative procedure performed within 24 hours of suspected gastrointestinal bleeding. He explained that the suspected problematic area lay within the small intestine, a region often inaccessible to conventional examinations due to its length and location.

The Breakthrough Discovery:

Leveraging the OMOM HD Capsule Endoscopy System developed by JINSHAN, the medical team made a crucial discovery. "In her small intestine segment, we identified a spherical protrusion with signs of bleeding at its apex," Professor Zhao Qiu revealed. Armed with this precise information from the capsule endoscopy, a more thorough laparoscopic examination was conducted, leading to the successful removal of the small intestine tumor and a seamless reconnection of the intestines.


The Path to Diagnosis:

Pathology testing of the excised tissue revealed a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) with a maximum diameter of approximately 3cm. While malignant, the tumor was categorized as "low-grade invasive," indicating an early-stage malignancy. Importantly, no evidence of cancer cell invasion into adjacent tissue was observed.


A Hopeful Outcome:

Thanks to the timely intervention and rapid treatment, Liu Xin's hospital stay was brief. Regular follow-up appointments were scheduled to monitor her progress. The medical team emphasized that Liu Xin's cancer was detected at an early stage, and the successful surgical outcomes indicated a high cure and survival rate. "It's truly finding a silver lining in unfortunate circumstances," Liu Xin remarked, expressing her gratitude for the positive outcome.

The Power of Capsule Endoscopy:

Capsule endoscopy offers significant advantages in detecting small intestine conditions. Patients experiencing prolonged abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, or iron-deficiency anemia, as well as those for whom traditional examinations have proven inconclusive, can benefit from capsule endoscopy. This approach offers a comprehensive understanding of overall gastrointestinal health and enables concurrent cancer screening—reiterating the importance of preventive care.

Liu Xin's story exemplifies the life-transforming impact of OMOM HD capsule endoscopy. This remarkable technology not only aids in early diagnosis but also instills hope and optimism for a healthier future.